
Borderlands 2 best farming
Borderlands 2 best farming

The Snow Man is easy to kill with the right build and when he dies, a train full of loot arrives, often having purple and legendary items. The best place in the game to farm loot once you get to UVHM is the Snow Man boss in the Mercenary Day DLC. Obviously you'll want find the guns that match your class and playstyle. Those are just some all around great weapons off the top of my head. When you get to Ultimate Vault Hunter mode, you're going to want to start looking for some of the following items: the Grog Nozzle for slagging and healing (mission item/ don't finish that mission), Unkempt Harold (farm Savage Lee Double Penetrating variety is best), The Bee Shield for massive damage (farm Hunter Hellquist in Arid Nexis), The Sham Shield for high bullet absorption (farm The Bunker, very rare drop), Lyuda snipers from The Dust, The Sandhawk smg from Captain Scarlett DLC, A Norfleet launcher if you bring a group and are lucky enough to spawn Vermiverous. If you farm a legendary in Normal or TVHM, the weapon level is always pegged to the level of the in game mission, so its not always worth farming. After Level 50 when you enter UVHM, it makes sense to farm occasionally because any enemy you fight will automatically scale to your level so you can always farm an at-level weapon. What everyone is saying is that it's faster to just play through the story using guns you naturally find or Golden Chest guns up until the end of TVHM at level 50.

borderlands 2 best farming

The real fun is playing through a second time (True Vault Hunter Mode) and then a third/fourth/fifth time (Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode) to max your character out at level 80 (previous max was 72). At the end of the first play through, your character is around level 33 and your skill tree is very underdeveloped. So if you didn't catch what they are saying, when you play Borderlands 2, you don't just play the story once. In UVHM there is a chance for chubby spiderants after level 62 to drop you legendary COMs, so those are always nice. Most stuff works in normal and TVHM, but this loop is pretty good if you're in need of some gear for UVHM, and the xp is decent. If you unlock all of these you can do a decent loop and kill everything for XP, and hope for some drops. You have McNally which is farmable if you progress a bit into "The Bane" questline, he can drop the Hammerbuster AR. I would reccomend killing the Hodunks so you can farm yourself a Slagga SMG, one of the best slagging weapons in the game. Then you have the boss/bosses from "Clan Wars" questline. They can drop The Veruc AR, and the Lyuda sniper, jumping down into the nearby bandit camp there is a chance that The Black Queen can spawn in the back which can drop the Nukem RL. You have Mobley and Gettle, the bandits you kill at the end of "The good, the bad and the Mordecai" quest.

borderlands 2 best farming borderlands 2 best farming

One of my favorite maps to farm is The Dust.

Borderlands 2 best farming